


何博曾获荷兰LensCulture曝光奖评委选择奖(2020年),入选荷兰Foam Talent Call(2018年)、第9届三影堂摄影奖(2017年)。获2016年、2018年平遥国际摄影大展优秀摄影师奖,2018年西双版纳国际影像展优秀展览奖。入选2022年“瑞士Verzasca山谷驻留项目”。作品曾在阿姆斯特丹、海牙、纽约、伦敦、法兰克福、赫尔辛基、洛迦诺、伊斯兰堡、曼谷、清迈,以及连州国际摄影年展、集美·阿尔勒国际摄影季等中国多地展出。

作品或⽂章发表于《Photography and Culture》《Foam》《Musée》《中国摄影》《北京电影学院学报》《数码摄影》《摄影之友》《摄影世界》《摄影是艺术》《中国摄影家》《中国摄影报》《人民摄影报》《光明日报》《信息时报》等刊物,《中国当代摄影图录:何博》《浮屿:摄影与视觉文化研究(创刊号)》《港口与影像 II——消失的码头:在时空与记忆之间》《⾃然⽣长:百名85后中国摄影师个案剖析》《液态:1839摄影奖三年集》等出版物,以及Photo London、photographyofchina、Neocha、假杂志、影艺家、拍者(新京报)、木格堂、真姨书房、春熙照相馆、郊野艺术、图虫、潘多拉的照相机等网站及微信公众号。

联系方式: hebo1608@gmail.com

ins: hebo_mimic



· 冷记忆:何博个展(策展人:高庆婕),半山·林画廊,四川成都,2021年8月。


· 重构“业余”:何博个展(策展人:白茜),西安美术馆,陕西西安,2020年12月;

· 何博个展(策展人:杨达),L.A.P. 画廊,湖北武汉,2020年9月。



· 《瑞士韦扎斯卡山谷》,一张照片·《大众摄影》作者联展,第14届中国摄影艺术节,河南三门峡,2023年6月;


· 《送流水》,第二届泉州(华光)国际影像双年展(总策展人:崔波),福建华光摄影艺术博物馆,福建泉州,2023年3月。


· 《送流水》《他们说这种羊很珍稀,但他们说其实没那么少》,志人志怪:呼吸间隙(策展人:Reacher X、617),广东广州,2022年12月;

· 《Good Night》,(Un)documented Migration, feat. Hostile Terrain ’94,Amare,荷兰海牙,2022年11月;

· 《送流水》《他们说这种羊很珍稀,但他们说其实没那么少》,Verzasca Foto Festival 2022,瑞士⻙扎斯卡,2022年8月;

· 《Rainbow Between Scylla and Charybdis》,Countercurrents,Bunker at Watercant,荷兰海牙,2022年6月;

· 《从此没人和你说话》,LensCulture New York 2022,Caelum Gallery,美国纽约,2022年5月;

· 《从此没人和你说话》,于风暴中心治愈我——摄影新节点,生于一九九〇(策展人:高明昔、何博),仓美术馆,浙江杭州,2022年4月。


· 《从此没人和你说话》,2021万象Photo艺术博览会,2021丽水摄影节,浙江丽水,2021年11月;

· 《从此没人和你说话》,第七届影像上海艺术博览会,上海展览中心,上海,2021年11月;

· 《从此没人和你说话》,第九届大理国际影会(策展人:杨达),云南大理,2021年9月;

· 《从此没人和你说话》,赫尔辛基摄影节(Helsinki Photo Festival),芬兰赫尔辛基,2021年6月;

· 《从此没人和你说话》,首届巴蜀青年摄影作品展(策展人:王远凌),巴国城中心广场,重庆,2021年6月;

· 《⾃拍者:尺笺传影》(与许雷合作),时空与场域:图像的绵延与重生(策展人:藏策),寒山美术馆,江苏苏州,2021年5月;

· 《从此没人和你说话》,双向消逝:何博&黎光波双个展(策展人:崔波),贵阳美术馆,贵州贵阳,2021年4月。


· 《延伸的刺点》,第三届南京扬子当代艺术博览会,南京国际博览中心,江苏南京,2020年10月;

· 《从此没人和你说话》,Apertruth(策展人:周琳婕),Subhashok The Art Centre,泰国曼谷,2020年8月;

· 《三月八日的若干回响》,自生野生·2020重庆小幅作品收藏推广计划(策展人:文超、黎光波),重庆金山意库·野笙,重庆,2020年7月;

· 《延伸的刺点》,灯箱计划(策展人:文博),青盐影像,青海西宁,2020年5月;

· 《从此没人和你说话》,LensCulture New York 2020, Caelum Gallery,美国纽约,2020年4月(取消);

· 《从此没人和你说话》,无界影像,403国际艺术中心,湖北武汉,2020年1月;

· 《从此没人和你说话》,2020清迈摄影节(策展人:周琳婕),清迈摄影之家,泰国清迈,2020年1月。


· 《从此没人和你说话》,第一届武汉影像艺术博览会,My Photogallery,湖北武汉,2019年12月;

· 《从此没人和你说话》,2019伊斯兰堡艺术节:来自中国的新艺术(策展人:李川),伊斯兰堡美术馆,巴基斯坦伊斯兰堡,2019年11月;

· 《三月八日的若干回响》,小岛:赶场——艺术在地互存,2019夏坝小岛居民(影像)艺术节(策展人:崔波、黎光波、李俊成),重庆江津,2019年11月;

· 《⾃拍者:尺笺传影》(与许雷合作),探寻之下(策展人:释藤),2019丽水国际摄影节,浙江丽水,2019年11月;

· 《您受累,请问天津还有什么好玩儿的?》《三月八日的若干回响》《从此没人和你说话》《延伸的刺点》,反向青年:何博&杨达双个展(策展人:高明昔),所见画廊,北京,2019年11月;

· 《您受累,请问天津还有什么好玩儿的?》,消失的码头:在时空与记忆之间(港口与影像Ⅱ)(策展人:何伊宁),中国港口博物馆,浙江宁波,2019年10月;

· 《从此没人和你说话》,Foam Talent Deutsche Borse(策展人:Mirelva Berghout、Kim Knoppers、Sanne Van Wersch),德国法兰克福Deutsche Börse AG, The Cube,2019年9月;

· 《三月八日的若干回响》,自然生长(策展人:崔波、黎光波),2019都匀国际摄影博览会,贵州都匀,2019年9月;

· 《从此没人和你说话》,异卵共生(策展人:高明昔),所见画廊,北京,2019年7月;

· 《从此没人和你说话》,Foam Talent London(策展人:Mirelva Berghout、Kim Knoppers),Beaconsfield Gallery,英国伦敦,2019年5月;

· 《从此没人和你说话》,Foam Talent New York(策展人:Mirelva Berghout、Kim Knoppers),Red Hook Labs,美国纽约,2019年3月;

· 《从此没人和你说话》,Foam Talent Amsterdam(策展人:Mirelva Berghout、Kim Knoppers),Foam the Next Door,荷兰阿姆斯特丹,2019年1月;

· 《延伸的刺点》《从此没人和你说话》《自拍者:尺笺传影》《三月八日的若干回响》,“对流”当代影像展第一回(策展人:俞高峰),呼和浩特艺泰空间,内蒙古呼和浩特,2019年1月。





·《从此没⼈和你说话》,2018⾼雄国际摄影节(策展⼈:⻢立群、苏月斫), 台湾高雄,2018年10月;
























· 2022年4月,“于风暴中心治愈我——摄影新节点,生于一九九〇”群展(联合策展人:高明昔),仓美术馆,浙江杭州;

· 2022年3月,“出发之地:更高俱乐部·沃若甲个人影像展”,湖畔下沉空间,浙江舟山;

· 2019年9月,“摄影毕业季”暨2019年度全国高校摄影优秀毕业作品年展,第27届全国摄影艺术展览,山东潍坊;

· 2017年12⽉,“TOP20·2017中国当代新锐摄影展”执⾏策展人,浙江美术馆,浙江杭州;

· 2014年9月,第14届平遥国际摄影⼤展致敬展“被遗忘的影像记忆——袁毅平摄影展”执⾏策展人,⼭西平遥。

He Bo 

Born in 1989 in Sichuan Province, China, He Bo is a practitioner of photographic image-based art, writer, educator and curator. 

He Bo's past artistic practice is mainly concerned with the re-creation of ready-made images and its theories, the narrative relationship between images and texts, the barriers to communication in the context of war, disaster and violence, the fictionality of archives and memory, and the function and effect of photographic images in the construction of history and the operation of power. Collaboration with others and the participation of audiences are important aspects of He Bo's practice. Currently, He Bo's artistic practice attempts to deal with the topics of memory, post-memory, trauma and aftermath in the context of the 2008 Sichuan earthquake.

His works have been exhibited in Amsterdam, The Hague, New York, London, Frankfurt, Helsinki, Locarno, Islamabad, Bangkok, Chiang Mai, as well as at Lianzhou Foto Festival and Jimei×Arles International Photo Festival, among many other places in China.

contact: hebo1608@gmail.com

ins: hebo_mimic


2021.09-2023.07   Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (KABK) (The Netherlands), MA - Photography and Society 

2014.10-2015.01   University of Paris 8 (France), Exchange

2012.09-2015.07   Beijing Film Academy (China), MA - Photography

2007.09-2011.07  Nanchang University (China), BA - Journalism of Broadcast and Television


· Artist-in-Residence in the Verzasca Valley 2022 (2022, Switzerland)

· LensCulture Exposure Awards, Jurors’ picks (2020, the Netherlands)

· Foam Talent Call (2018, the Netherlands)

· Excellent Photographer Award, Pingyao International Photography Festival (2018, 2016, China)

· Excellent Exhibition Award, Xishuangbanna Foto Festival (2018, China)

· the 9th Three Shadows Photography Awards (2017, China)



Cold Memories (at Banshan Lin Gallery), Chengdu, China (Curator: Gao Qingjie)


Rebuild Amateurism (at Xi’an Art Museum), Xi’an, China (Curator: Bai Xi)

HE Bo solo exhibition (at L.A.P. Gallery), Wuhan, China (Curator: Marc Yang)



The 14th China Photography Festival, Sanmenxia, China

PHOTOFAIRS Shanghai 2023 (at Shanghai Exhibition Center), Shanghai, China

The 2nd Quanzhou (Huaguang) International Image Biennial (At Fujian Huaguang Photographic Art Museum), Quanzhou, China


(Un)documented Migration, feat. Hostile Terrain ’94 (at Amare), The Hague, the Netherlands

Verzasca Foto Festival 2022, Valle Verzasca, Switzerland

Countercurrents (at Bunker at Watercant), The Hague, the Netherlands

Healing in the Heart of Storm (at Cang Art Museum), Hangzhou, China

LensCulture New York 2022 (at Caelum Gallery), New York, USA


2021 China Lishui Photography Festival, Lishui, China

The 7th Photofairs Shanghai, Shanghai, China

The 9th Dali International Photography Exhibition, Dali, China

Fearless, Helsinki Photo Festival, Helsinki, Finland

Time Field Space: The Duration and Regeneration of Image (at Hanshan Art Museum), Suzhou, China (Curator: Zang Ce)

Two Way Decadency: He Bo & Li Guangbo duo solo exhibition (at Guiyang Art museum), Guiyang, China (Curator: Cui Bo)


2020 Yangtze Art Fair, Nanjing, China

Apertruth (at Subhashok The Art Centre), Bangkok, Thailand (Curator: Zhou Linjie)

The Lamp-box Project (at Salt Photos), Xining, China (Curator: Wen Bo)

Beyond Boundaries, Wuhan, China

Chiang Mai Photo Festival 2020, Chiang Mai, Thailand  (Curator: Zhou Linjie)


The 1st Wuhan Photo Art Fair, Wuhan, China

Islamabad Art Fest 2019, Islamabad, Pakistan (Curator: Li Chuan)

The 1st Xiaba Island Residents (Image) Festival, Chongqing, China (Curator: Cui Bo, Li Guangbo, Li Juncheng)

2019 China Lishui Photography Festival, Lishui, China (Curator: Shi Teng)

The Disappearing Harbor: Between Time, Space and Memory (at China Port Museum), Ningbo, China (Curator: He Yining) 

Foam Talent Deutsche Borse (at Deutsche Börse AG, The Cube), Eschborn-Frankfurt, Germany

Nature Art, Duyun, China (Curator: Cui Bo, Li Guangbo) 

Visible Gallery, Beijing, China (Curator: Gao Mingxi)

Foam Talent London (at Beaconsfield Gallery), London, UK

Foam Talent New York (at Red Hook Labs), New York, USA

Foam Talent Amsterdam (at Neighbouring Canal House), Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Covection: Contemporary Photography Exhibition, Hohhot, China (Curator: Yu Gaofeng)


Coming Image: Artificial Intelligence (the Mystery of Simple Images), Tianjin, China (Curators: Lu Xiaobo, Deng Yan)

2018 Xishuangbanna Foto Festival, Xishuangbanna, China (Curators: Cui Bo, Li Guangbo)

Lianzhou Foto 2018, Lianzhou, China (Curator: He Yining)

2018 Kaosiung Photography Festival, Kaosiung, China (Curators: Ma Liqun, Su Yuezhuo)

The 18th China Pingyao International Photography Festival, Pingyao, China (Curators: Gao Mingxi, Wang Yi)

Screen Refreshing/Labour: AMNUA Photography Exhibition 2018, Nanjing, China (Curators: Hai Jie, Zheng Wen) / Lianyungang, China (Curator: Chen Zheng) 


Allegory: The 9th Three Shadows Photography Exhibition, Beijing, XI’an and Amoy, China (Curator: Shen Chen)

Lianzhou Foto 2017, Lianzhou, China (Curator: Hai Jie)

The 17th China Pingyao International Photography Festival, Pingyao, China (Curators: Cui Bo, Li Guangbo)

The 2nd Ningbo International Photography Week, Ningbo, China (Curators: Fu Yongjun, La Hei)

Save as...: 3rd Lab Photography Exhibition, Chongqing, China (Curators: Zeng Rui, Wu Yuhang)

Illuminant: Young Photographers' Group Exhibition & Art Books Exhibition, Nanchang, China (Curator: Zhou Guangyuan) 


Speaking without Sounds, Chengdu, China (Curator: Cheng Zhuo)

The 16th China Pingyao International Photography Festival, Pingyao, China

2016 Jimei × Arles International Photo Festival, Xiamen(Amoy), China (Curator: He Yining) 


The 6th Dali International Photography Exhibition, Dali, China (Curator: Zhu Jiong)

The 15th China Pingyao International Photography Festival, Pingyao, China (Curator: Zhu Jiong)

2015 China Lishui Photography Festival, Lishui, China (Curator: Zhu Jiong)

Organic Iconography, Beijing, China (Curator: He Yining)

T=94694400 Seconds: MA & MFA Graduation Exhibition of Beijing Film Academy, Beijing, China