三月八日的若干回响 Several Echoes of March 8

At first, many people have been asking, digging and making truths, eagerly and uproariously. In years past, the vast quantities of information that had been generated for touching the Truth have lashed people's intelligence and patience over and over again. All kinds of information have been piled up. “Wrinkles of facts” have been shaped just as the orogeny when people controlled and diffused information. All of these are stripping and expending the initial desire. The long-time suspense has nourished a certain kind of comforting fraud, depending on it, people who are not involved in this mystery "legally" distract their attention or return to the daily security situation, meanwhile the obsession of those closest relatives of the passengers is has been diluting fast or slowly. It seems that “moving on” “should be” the correct choice which shares the same pattern that operated in any past disaster or mystery.
We have time or places to honor other events which are defined as disasters, but as to March 3, 2014, so far no one can (want to) build a monument to it. Still expect, or believe it is more “appropriate" to maintain the status quo. That airplane is just floating around in the TIME, also, over the ocean which is turned into the TIME.

第一部分 你相信这是2014年3月8日的印度洋吗?
Part 1 Do You Believe This Is the Indian Ocean on March 8, 2014?
Divide the Indian Ocean into small pieces according to certain latitude and longitude, have a try to locate the missing one by following up some clues. You can also be a seeker, but more patient and focused. The pictures are sinking, and our initial confidence is reducing at the same time.
These pictures came from Google Earth. The title is a question, related to the date when the pictures was taken. It was on December 31, 2014. These pictures are the most close satellite images from March 8 of that year. I captured 161 images of the Indian Ocean surface on that day on an average basis based on certain latitude and longitude intervals and shooting heights.
These pictures were spread on the ground, on which people could walk, and sometimes view the images "from the perspective of God." The image gradually becomes dirty and rotten. What is invisible is even more invisible.
第二部分 此外,还有很多看不见的褶皱
Part 2 In Addition, There Are Many Invisible Wrinkles.
Those ‘wrinkles of facts’ that are rubbed by media and psychics are driving the variation of the facts, or shaping a huge amount of new facts. These wrinkles, as well as ocean trenches, are trying to excavate the unique fragments, burying them in their own hands at the same time.
The "fold" in the title came from a paper on the event that refers to a conception called "fold of information," in which information is being shaped by various inferences and guesses, and new facts are rising and sinking like mountains.
I associated this layer of "folds" with aircraft debris. These images came from an Australian government investigation report released in late 2017, which identified the parts with their names, and showed that some of the debris had been identified as belonging to the aircraft.
I printed out these images, crumpled them one by one, and took them in the studio as a digital archive in a relatively "meticulous" way of commercial photography. I pasted them directly on the wall in exhibitions, took them down after the exhibition, and put them up in the next exhibition. The papers get more and more wrinkled and broken.

第三部分 浪漫主义
Part 3 Romanticism
Clues of abstract images are traceable. They can lead us look back to those rational attempts for digging answers, or help us build associations with specific memories. In this story and so many other stories, images give us identities and meaning. But they also tell us: we are not responsible for your disappointment.
This part is made of a long piece of rice paper on which I have redrawn in ink the results of underwater sonar surveys conducted by Australia, near the western coast of the country. The idea of rice paper and ink came from Chinese painters and calligraphers who were on that plane. When this part of the project is finally shown, the long scroll is twisted and hung in the form of a Mobius Strip.
第四部分 Who is Your Daddy?
此部分以较多的图像构成了19岁的伊朗青年普里亚·努尔·穆罕默德·迈赫达德(Pouria Nour Mohammad Mehrdad)半虚构的图像故事——他消失前最后几天的行程,以及如果飞机正常到达北京后他的计划。最初,这名青年被认为是劫机的恐怖分子,事后查明他和一个伙伴盗用了别人的护照,计划自德黑兰出发,经由吉隆坡、北京、阿姆斯特丹飞到法兰克福与其母亲团聚。
Part 4 Who is Your Daddy?
Those ordinary stories that have been proved or falsified were carved into the tall and thin monuments at last, even if they didn't mean it.
A few images made up the semi-fictional story of Pouria Nour Mohammad Mehrdad, a 19-year-old Iranian, about his last few days before he disappeared and his plans if the plane arrived in Beijing as usual. Initially thought to be the terrorist who hijacked the plane, the teenager and a partner turned out to have stolen someone else's passport and planned to fly from Tehran to Frankfurt via Kuala Lumpur, Beijing and Amsterdam to be reunited with his mother.
Based on a newsletter about him, I collected and took relevant photos, some true and some false, and arranged them on the exhibition wall roughly with the directions of the five locations mentioned above.
In all cases where the suspense is involved, the usual judgment is weakened. "Whosyourdaddy" is a cheat code to invincibility in Warcraft. At that time, I thought it was an untimely expectation.
第五部分 消-息(视频:29分26秒)
Part 5 I-N-F-O-R-M-A-T-I-O-N (video: 29’26’’)
News waves to fresh like tides.
I-N-F-O-R-M-A-T-I-O-N is a monologue by a former journalist who has spent the past few years in contact with the families of MH370.
第六部分 Good Night(视频:30分40秒)
《Good Night》立足视觉残留这一非常基本的生理现象。我将媒体公布的机组成员和乘客的肖像反转为负相,每幅肖像停留30秒,之后图像消失,长10秒的白场出现。如果观者持续看着屏幕,会在白场中看到这些人的正相浮现,又逐渐褪去。这个视频的背景音是MH370失联前机长与塔台的对话,最后一句就是“Good Night”。
Part 6 Good Night (video: 30’40’’)
If you keep staring at their negative images in the frame, you’ll see their faces appear briefly when the 30-second white field comes, saying good night to you. Persistence of vision is only an expedient, depending on it, we temporarily confront the oblivion.
Good Night is based on the very basic physiological phenomenon of visual residue. I reversed the media images of the crew and passengers to negative.